I’m gonna go out on a limb and safely assume there isn’t a soul walking the earth who hasn’t encountered at least one individual in the course of their life who inspired them. I’ve been fortunate enough to befriend many who have influenced me to conduct some serious in-depth self-evaluation in order to “recharge the battery” or simply set a new creative course. One such individual who aptly fits this bill is Stuart Sanderson. Stu, as everyone affectionally calls him, is a published writer, accomplished poet, and all around creative entity. After nearly 13 years of friendship he humbly asked if I would be interested in creating a short documentary about his life. Of course, I couldn’t resist the opportunity. With friendship comes some built-in obligations I suppose. What makes Stu special isn’t that he is an exceptional artist. It’s being an exceptional artist born with severe Cerebral Palsy. But this disorder didn’t realize who it was messing with when it met Stuart. And not a day has passed where his disability prevents him from elegantly expressing himself. Our documentary wrapped the production phase some months ago and is now deep in the throes of editing the story of this emotional and passionately-charged lifeform. And it truly is an honor to do so. Check back for updates on our progression as we continue to weave this important tale.