Work – Life Balance. It’s a term, principally, an ideal that’s existed for decades. As innumerable industries advance, technological gateways accelerate day to day business activity, and human-kind endures a workload pushed to capacity, THIS ideal, effectively eludes us. I feel exceedingly fortunate. I’m a small business owner who works in an often exciting and well-regarded industry. Video and television production certainly has its questionable moments, but generally speaking I rise each morning to the prospect of working on a something freshly creative surrounded by a talented group of hard-working comrades. I won’t say I love EVERY aspect of what I do. There’s a capacious level of stress when working to ensure daily success. I am admittedly just another casualty in pursuit of the evasive balance people speak of. I don’t think I would even know it if I met it. But this isn’t me bemoaning. Rather, reminding myself, that its absolutely reasonable to push the limit of your own boundary. But equally, know that you don’t have to exceed or even come in contact with it each day. Often the journey is accomplishment enough. So says the over-achiever. So while you trailblaze through your next day, maybe take a look to your left, or right, or even come to a complete halt. And for what may only amount to a few fleeting seconds, attempt to find that moment and if you discover it, hold onto it. You’ll undoubtedly let it go because you have a goal to reach and no time to spare. But who knows. Maybe you can develop this into a daily ritual. There’s certainly worse things you could do with your free time.